Personal datas

The Écomusée d'Alsace attaches particular importance to users’ right to privacy and undertakes to protect their personal data in accordance with currently applicable French and European regulations. Visitors are not required to give any personal information to allow them to visit the website.

This privacy policy, hereafter referred to as the “Policy” sets out how we handle and use information gathered on the website.


Identity of the data controller

The Association de l’Écomusée d'Alsace, as identified below, is responsible for processing personal data gathered on the site in its French (English language) version.

Écomusée d'Alsace

SIRET: 390 806 933 000 11

Head office: Chemin du Grosswald - 68190 UNGERSHEIM


Scope and acceptance of this policy

This policy is only applicable to information collected from our website and does not apply to information collected from other sources including, but not limited to, Facebook®, Twitter®, YouTube® or any other third-party social network website.

When you use our website, you agree to the terms and conditions of this policy. If you refuse the terms of this policy, please do not use this website or divulge any personal data to us.

Data collected on our website

We collect and store certain personal data relating to you (these are data which can identify you directly or indirectly), hereafter referred to as “Personal data”, only when you agree to provide these data on our website.

The data we process include, for example, last name, first name, electronic address, IP address, etc.

You may in particular be asked to give personal data in the following cases:

We will only ask you for information which is strictly necessary for participating in our website activities. You will be informed by an asterisk or other sign as to whether communication of these personal data is mandatory or voluntary.


Purpose of the collection of personal data

Only essential personal data are collected when completing forms on the website and you will automatically be informed of:

The Écomusée d'Alsace will under no circumstances use these personal data for any other purpose than that specifically set out on the form and agreed to by the user. These personal data may not be passed on to third parties except when specifically stated in the form.


Recipient of the personal data

The recipient of personal data collected on our website is the Écomusée d'Alsace.

When required, your personal data may be passed on to our commercial partners in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

The Écomusée d'Alsace may also divulge personal data to the legal authorities, the police or to any other authority if required to do so by the law.


Length of data storage

The Écomusée d'Alsace will keep your personal data for the required period of time or for the time required by currently applicable regulations.


Your rights

In accordance with the French Informatics and Liberties law of 6 January 1978 (art. 34), you have the right of access, rectification and deletion of data relating to you. This right may be exercised by sending an email to the relevant department of the Écomusée d'Alsace at or by letter to the following address:

Écomusée d'Alsace - Chemin du Grosswald - 68190 UNGERSHEIM

In accordance with currently applicable regulations, your request must be signed and accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document containing your signature and must also specify the address to which the reply should be sent. Your request will be answered within 2 months following receipt.




The security of your personal data is very important to us. Personal data gathered on the are processed in accordance with secure protocols which minimise the risks of third parties intercepting or gaining possession of these data.

However, as the Internet network is an open structure, we cannot guarantee that data can be fully protected against third-party pirating or unauthorised access and so by continuing to use our website, you accept these risks.

To the extent allowed by applicable law, we shall not be held responsible for any damage, losses, costs whether arising in contract, tort including negligence or otherwise, which you might suffer in the event of unauthorised access to or loss or amendment of your personal data.

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